
Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir sur ce blog, trait d'union entre la vie de vos enfants à la crèche et vous, parents et familles, toujours désireux de savoir ce qu'ils font lorsqu'ils sont ici.

As families, we know that you like to have a glimpse at what your children can live during their stay at the nursery, so we're happy to share some of these moments with you.
I(=Magalie) will comment every piece of writing in English, but please, forgive my mistakes :-)

lundi 8 février 2016

Bon anniversaire Paul

Samedi 6 Février, Paul a soufflé sa première bougie :-) Et aujourd'hui, il a fêté ça à la crèche.

Paul celebrated his first birthday on Saturday, the 6th of February, and today, he blew his candle here, at the nursery :-)
Il semblerait que le gâteau soit très bon ;-)
It seems that the cake tastes good ;-)

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* Please leave us some words, we like to read you as much as you like to come here :-)